Sunday, October 28, 2007

Random running thoughts . . .

I don't like seeing people drive around stuffing fast food into their mouths. You know the ones with the mayo dripping down their chin and they're still chewing that big bite of burger as they're loading a handful of fries into their mouth? I know. I shouldn't be bothered by this. To each his own. But, for some reason, it irks me. Anyway, Big Dog and I decided on our run today that we want a healthy alternative so we came up with the Ironman Happy Meal: I'll take a Kenyan with a side of Michael Phelps. And, sure, go ahead and supersize that to include the Lance Armstrong for an extra 50 cents. Oh, and of course it comes with a toy: every meal comes with one of Carmen's clear wetsuits.

Yes, this is the crap that Derek and I come up with while we're running. Clearly the closer I get to the Ironman, the wackier I become.


Anonymous said...

I think Lance would count as the toy!

Melissa said...

hahaha. i was goign to comment on carmen's bathing cap as a nice accessory with the clear wetsuit. then i saw ko's comment about lance as a toy. and now i am jsu tlaughing.

cd - if/when you have times of struggle/bordom/success - think of this post and playing with toy lance. love ya!

carmen said...

hee hee
sorry? we didnt see any clear wetsuits at imfl
love the happy meal idea...