Sunday, September 23, 2007

18 Miles is a LOOOOOONG Way to Run . . .

The body does not want you to do this. As you run, it tells you to stop but the mind must be strong. You always go too far for your body. You must handle the pain with strategy...It is not age; it is not diet. It is the will to succeed."
- Jacqueline Gareau, 1980 Boston Marathon champ

Yesterday I hit my running PR of 18 miles. Dear God, that's a long way. I've never run a marathon before (I'm saving that yummy joy for the end of the Ironman) and although 18 miles is only 3 miles longer than I ran a few weeks ago or a mere 5 miles longer than the run in a 1/2 IM, it seemed like it took DAYS to complete!!

The heat may have had a little something to do with the sheer crappiness of it. I didn't want to get to WC for the ride/run until 9 a.m. because I wanted one day that Booger could wake up and jump in my bed and snuggle for a bit. So, I actually ended up soaking up my time with her for a little too long and we didn't get started on our 30 mile ride until close to 10:00 a.m. -- which also meant that we were taking off for our run at noon. In 90+ degree heat and wicked humiditiy. But at least there was cloud cover. Until about 1:30. At the hottest part of the day, the skies cleared up and we were blessed with full blazing sunshine for the rest of our run. UGH.

It took everything I had not to call it quits. There was one point that I told Big Dog, "You know, when people refer to cars, they say, 'is your car running' or 'I've left my car running'. So, according to this logic, it seems that we should be able to go 18 miles in the car and still consider it 'running'. Yes? No, I didn't think so either. Dammit."

Anyway, it's over. Thank God. Next week's long workout: 100 miles on the bike. Woohoo! Two weeks from now: 30 mile ride/20 mile trail run. Dear God, what did I get myself into?


Anonymous said...

Congrats on another distance PR! Big Dog is doing well keeping up with you on your training. Any way he'd consider running the marathon with some other TriGirls??? I hope you had a well deserved nap afterwards.

Anonymous said...

You IronGirls are amazing!!! Unbelievable workout schedule. Congratulations to you for having the mental and physical strength to make it happen.

Unknown said...

18 miles IS a (ridiculously) long way to run - but we do it anyway. Great seeing you and the Big Dog out there!


carmen said...

love that picture

i ran sunday
and had a little sock issue
that i was afraid was going to turn into a major shoe issue
so after running about eight
i WALKED the last "ten"
probably about another eight or nine
still finished in around four hours
but THAT was forever
still much shorter than sixteen and a half hours
which is youknowwhat!!!

Jonah Holland said...

It'll be worth it. We'll all be worshipping you, the newest Iron(wo)man for your accomplishment come November

Jonah Holland said...

You've been so busy working out getting ready for Florida....and now you are. I can't wait to hear your thoughts as you get ready to pack....and enjoy your taper.
Remember, tapers make everyone crazy...just enjoy it.