Monday, January 7, 2008

Margo has tagged me to list seven weird things about me! HAHAHA!! Seven!! More like seven HUNDRED!!

1. I love peanut butter and pickle sandwiches. Really. Try it. You'll love it.

2. I pick my toe nails constantly. I know. Gross. But, I swear, I never bite them. My daughter, Booger, however, bites hers all the time.

3. I like to read the Dictionary. Words are just cool.

4. I'm scared of the dark. Totally, completely petrified.

5. I'm a wee bit scared of midgets. I know it's wrong. And, there's no reason for it. I have no excuse. It's just a flaw of mine.

6. I have a tic. I "sniffle" my nose. Sort of like Bewitched but not nearly as cute. I don't know why. My nose doesn't itch and it's not running. I just sniffle it.

7. I can wave my pinky toe. Without moving any other toes on my feet, I can make my pinky toe stick out and wave. On both feet, too. I know. The talent is endless.

But I'm okay with my weirdness. In fact, whenever I do something weird and Derek looks at me funny I tell him "Yeah, I'm weird but these are all the things you'd miss about me if I were dead." And, he would! Where else is he going to find some girl who eats peanut butter & pickle sandwiches while running from midgets waving her pinky toes?!?

Okay, so now who to tag??? Everyone's already been taken!! So, I'll just go ahead and TAG Derek (who has no blog but reads mine so he can post his weirdness for all to see!) and Kathy from NZ. So let's hear it! Bring on the weird!


Unknown said...

You are way too funny. This post is completely cracking me up - we'll talk about midgets later...


Anonymous said...

i would love to have game night. although, i think i am going to have to ban toe nail picking =)

mommy to 2, feels like 4. said...

you crack me up!!

margo said...

i pick my toenails too!! like, obsessively. i can't even admit it out loud to rich because i know he'd call me a freak and would not miss that about me if i died.

game night sounds like a ball of awesome.

Anonymous said...

ooops - just catching up on my reading and saw I'd been tagged - have some thinking to do to make mine sound even anywhere NEAR as weird as yours.... hahaha

Big Dog said...

OK...OK...OK.....I can't believe you have pulled me into your "weird little Trigirl Cult world" again...
(1)When I ride with Cyndi (I know she is faster) but I pretend that we are in a race and that I always sprint with her to the finish and pull out the Victory Again and Again. It never gets old.

(2)I hate wearing long pants to work out in....No matter how cold it is I will always wear shorts.

(3) I don't eat the crust of my Pizza. These is something just not right with the crust.

(4) When I get upset I need to clean something (vacuum, clean the house, car, kitchen, fold clothes etc.)

(5)I LOVE Scary Movies....I would love to watch the Blair Witch Project sitting in the middle of the cemetery in the woods on a dark stormy night.....The scarier the better.

(6) When Cyndi and I go shopping I always ask for a Senior Citizen Discount......The way I look at it is it's always NO unless you ask.....Sometimes they give it to me.....Do I really look that old?

(7)I love the smell of Coffee but hate the taste....I have been making Cyndi coffee for years and every time I make her a cup I taste it to see if I like it this time and I am always surprised that I still hate the taste....When am I going to learn....Never.

Now remember if anyone makes fun of me........I know where to find you....HA HA HA......

Big Dog

"gritz" said...

I'm so happy to know someone else has tried and liked peanut butter and pickle sandwiches. I used to eat these all the time but then people I know thought they were just too weird, so I haven't had one for a while, but they are so good! Do you prefer sweet or dill pickles? I like both.

Unknown said...

yaaay I thought I was the only one who liked pickle sandwitches [w/ mayo] Peanut butter makes me REAAAAALLY thirsty -_-