Tuesday, July 31, 2007

AHHHHHHHHH!!!! I just realized that in 2 days and it will be less than 3 months til Ironman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's only 12 long workouts. Holy Flippn' Crap!!! Breathe in. . . breathe out. . . breathe in. . .


carmen said...

whats this countdown you mention?!

SO SO SO good to see you and derek
out on sunday
i must have been having withdrawals

you also know that you are now
my official triathlon hairstylist
that was the most low maintenance hair
i ever did race with

Jonah Holland said...

Cyndi can by the IRONHAIR specialist. I mean you guys have got to look great for all of your race finish photos....10 or 11 or 12 or 17 hours after you start! Actually, I love what salt and sweat do to my hair! Did read on a blog about one chic who carried a brush with her and brushed her hair the last 5 miles. She did look great in the race finish photos!

TriTurtL said...

Not sure about all the hairstyling stuff. I go from swimcap, to bike helmet, to the all important... HAT!!!

As far as the freaking out--I have a countdown on my computer that has IMFL in days. It's been in 3 digit numbers since last November(300's to 200's to 100's). A week ago I had the same little panic attack when I noticed that it dropped into the two digit numbers. AAGH!!!!!!! Right now it reads 93 days, 8 hours, 4 minutes, 20 seconds. I can't even imagine what I'll be like when it drops into the single digits...

TriGirl 40 said...

Cyndi - I might be hitting you up for some of your braiding skills for upcoming races.
3 months - what if we think of it as 1/4 year - does that sound longer?

carmen said...

yes! i like deanna's idea...