Today I went to the doctor -- well, two doctors actually because I wanted an instant second opinion. Both doctors specialize in sports medicine and both doctors gave me almost the same diagnosis for my leg pain. They suspect I may be suffering from a femoral stress fracture or a femoral neck stress fracture. Both doctors have different ways of dealing with this but it starts with an x-ray, MRI and hope/prayer/wishing that it is not a stress fracture and it is only some other weird obscure pain that develops as a part of training.
Anyway, here's what was said:
Doctor "A": This doctor read the x-rays and said that there did not seem to be a stress fracture. I was told that I could run but not bike and that I should see a physical therapist to do exercises to loosen my hip flexors. The theory was that the hip flexors could be putting pressure on my femoral nerve and is causing me to experience a "pinched nerve" feeling when I run. Okay, I'll buy that. But, I have to admit it seemed a little odd to me that Dr. A also said that I could continue running and it would be no problem to run the half-marathon this weekend. I mean, I'm seriously limping after a two mile run. Not that I don't think I could make it through a half marathon. My last long run was about 10 miles. It hurts when I start and it KILLS when I finish but it's somewhat manageable during the actual run.
Doctor "B" also ordered x-rays but said that most stress fractures to the femoral neck cannot be seen on an x-ray and, therefore, should be followed up with an MRI. Dr. B said that we could not really think about a recovery plan until we could definitively rule out stress fracture. What? I mean, I at least want options!! he said stress fracture would mean weeks of elliptical, biking and swimming instead of running. NOT the answer I wanted -- I'd rather go with Dr. A's whole tight hip flexor thing. He also said that I could bike but not run AT ALL until we got the results back since continuing to run on a femoral stress fracture can sometimes -- albeit rarely -- do so much damage that it causes complete hip replacement in an otherwise healthy young individual. Uh, no thank you.
So, I spoke with a friend of friend in the medical field. We'll call this one Doctor "C". Dr. C said that Dr. A should probably not have done some of the testing that was done on me (like asking me to jump up and down on one foot) if there was even the slightest indication that I had a femoral stress fracture. Dr. C also said that stress fractures of this type don't commonly show up on x-rays unless they are severe and concurred that an MRI is needed to completely rule out a stress fracture. Dr. C also said if two doctors' initial thought was that it was a stress fracture, then I needed to make sure that I was fully checked out before running again. If for no other reason than to get myself mentally straight during the run. The last thing I would need during a long run is to think I could be damaging myself to the point of needing a hip replacement! Although, that seems a little dramatic to me. I mean, really, a hip replacement? I'm not sure if I'm buying that.
But, keep in mind, I'm also a COMPLETE idiot. You know what I did? I actually was so upset about this that I went to the gym and got on the elliptical -- but then got pissed that I couldn't run and got on the treadmill and knocked out 2 miles. Sure I had to hold the handrails for the first 1/4 mile but then I felt okay. And then I walked like Quasimodo to my car and went home to take some Ibuprofen with a large wine chaser. Okay, and you want to know something else that's weird? Honestly, the only reason I'm blogging about this is because I'm superstitious. I think if I say it outloud, then I'll put a jinx on the whole "stress fracture" thing and it will really end up being nothing. I know. I'm totally strange. See why it was so difficult for me to narrow my weirdness down to only seven things in that earlier post? Honestly, I think I may be borderline retarded.
Anyway, now I have no clue what to do. Run the Half on Sunday (yay! but, ouch)?? Not run it (boo! but is that smarter since White Lake's in 2 months?)??? ARGH! I just don't know. Should I go with Dr. A because it's more of what I want to hear? Or play it safe and go with Dr. B who is being more conservative?? Damn. I have no clue what to do!!!!!!!!!!!
For now, I think I'll just hope it goes away. And have another glass of wine.
injuries suck. period.
only you know inside what will be best for you to do - sit out or participate. you are your best judge. you will make the best decision for you. have confidence in that.
Personally, I would not tangle with a possible stress fracture. There will be many, many more opportunities to run a half-marathon.
When can you get the MRI?
I hope you don't run the half--you and I can sit here in Richmond, nursing wine and ibuprofin and doing what we need to do to stay healthy for the rest of the year. Stress fractures are serious stuff--if there's any chance that's what it is, I'd stay off it.
Do not run! You just proved it by hitting the treadmill and limping back to your car. Get that MRI done so you know exactly what you're dealing with. Races are nothing when compared to your health. You need to be ready for an IM in 2009, not a half in 2008.
BUGGER! It is a tough choice to make when you really really want to do an event, but in the long run it might hinder your progress towards other more important events!!
Take the rest, have the MRI, and enjoy the wine in the meantime!
Cyndi, when I had my stress fx I was told not to run until it was ruled out or confirmed. I had a bone scan. Femoral neck stress fx are very serious and can take months to heal so play it safe. Hope it isn't.
Cyndi - Injury sucks.
Missing a race sucks.
Missing the rest of the season would suck beyond words.
I am going to agree with DB. I hope you find some answers!
Hi...I don't know you or anything about you Tri Girls. I'm just an innocent onlooker reading these blog things you girls have put up. I think you all have given her VERY GOOD ADVICE about resting for a while and letting her body heal before she hurts it even worse. Could you imaging Cyndi in an old lady walker at 36 and telling everyone about her hip replacement surgery and playing bingo all day???...... Just my opinion from a person who does not know any of you, just an anonymous reader with an opinion….Good Luck
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